Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Interactive Design

Interactive Design

Definition: This is the development of deceives, particularly digital, in which the user can interact with. This involves design information technology in accordance with the social and human complexities of the user. Therefore to create and communicate effective interactive spaces the designer must cater to the needs and experience of the user.


Portfolio of Design Jonathan Yuen

This is a beautiful example of interactive design. Designer Jonathan Yuen created an interactive flash portfolio to display his design work. The site is so beautiful it is a portfolio piece in itself. When the user navigates through the site and entres links, the sillohette images come to life along the page.

Zune Journey Website

Zune journey is a website for Zune Mobile phones. The flash site opens up with a zune phone that open as book with different images petruding as you hover the links. As the user clicks on a link they are transported through a tunnel of imagery, whilst holding zune phone in their hand. When veiwing the product the user is able to twist and rotate the phones which ever way they wish to veiw it.

AgencyNet Website

The agencynet website acts as an interactive mini-studio. The user is able to interact with people within different areas of the company and navigate through the building to veiw portfolio work, clients and company visions. This design approach is effective as it creates an intermate experience with the company.

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